George A. Kiraz, Editor-in-Chief
George Anton Kiraz is the Director of the Institute and President of Gorgias Press. He obtained an M.St. degree in Syriac Studies from the University of Oxford (1991) and a Ph.D. in computational linguistics from the University of Cambridge (1996) and wrote his dissertation on the morphology of Semitic languages (Computational Nonlinear Morphology (Cambridge University Press, 2001)). After a career in Bell Labs (1996–2000) and Nuance (2000–2001) in natural language processing and speech technology, he co-founded Gorgias Press in 2001.
Kiraz envisaged SEDRA as a linguistic and literary tool back in 1988. He used it for concordance generation and made it available online as open source in 1994.
Kiraz published in the fields of Syriac studies and computational linguistics. His recent publications include The Syriac Dot: A Short History (2015), Tūrāṣ Mamllā: A Grammar of the Syriac Language, Volume I: Syriac Orthography (2012), and The New Syriac Primer (2007).
James W. Bennett, Information Technology (IT) Manager
Jim Bennett entered the Air Force upon graduating from high school and spent 11 years officially as a missile technician and software engineer helping to validate Ada compilers for embedded systems. After being medically discharged, he started his own company and worked as a contracting software engineer for most of the last 26 years.
In 2001 he took a sabbatical from work and pursued a dual Bachelor's degree in Near Eastern Antiquities and Religious Studies from Missouri State University.
After completing his BA he pursued a Master of Arts in Religious Studies with a focus on Syriac Christianity. While working on his thesis "Jesus the Slayer of Death: The Decensus ad Inferos in the Demonstrations of Aphrahat" he built a database of the Demonstrations from data he obtained from CAL and wrote several programs to assist in analyzing the texts. During the course of his MA he spent six weeks in Aleppo studying Syriac under Abrohom Nuro.
Resource Partners
The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio
Digital South Asia Library, The University of Chicago, Center for Research Libraries (Example:
Mawrid Reader, courtesy of Abdurahman Erik Taal (Example:
Perseus under PhiloLogic, Department of Classics, The University of Chicago (Example:
Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany (Publishing Company) (Example:
Resource Contributors
American Foundation for Syriac Studies (Example:
Sebastian P. Brock (University of Oxford)
Claudia A. Ciancaglini (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Dayroyo Zaytoun Saome (St. Aphrem Theological Seminar, Maarat Saydnaya, Syria)
Lexical Taggers
Giovanni Gomiero (Universiteit Gent (BE) - FWO PhD Fellow) tagged 20000 entries.
Jillian Marcantonio (Duke University) tagged 6291 entries.
Leslie Virnelson (Princeton Theological Seminary) tagged 4598 entries.
George Kiraz (Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute; Rutgers University) tagged 3810 entries.
Brandon Allen (Princeton Theological Seminary) tagged 2408 entries.
Jeff Haines (Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute) tagged 2092 entries.
Ephrem Aboud Ishac (Austrian Academy of Sciences - Vienna) tagged 1885 entries.
Sebastian Kenoro Kiraz (Beth Mardutho / St. Matthias (Middle) School) tagged 1870 entries.
Ralph Barczok (Universität Konstanz, Research Centre for Aramaean Studies) tagged 1646 entries.
Aron Tillema (Princeton Theological Seminary) tagged 1466 entries.
Michail Kitsos (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor) tagged 1413 entries.
mzina tagged 1372 entries.
Cosimo Paravano (University of Vienna) tagged 1275 entries.
Simone Rendina (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio) tagged 1024 entries.
Charbel El-Khaissi (Australian National University) tagged 1008 entries.
Jana Safley (Jerusalem University College) tagged 996 entries.
Michael Wingert (UCLA, St. Cyril College) tagged 722 entries.
Philip Forness (Princeton Theological Seminary) tagged 484 entries.
Natalia Sidorenko tagged 403 entries.
Marie-Thérèse Elia (RBC) tagged 400 entries.
Jonathan Warner (Cornell University) tagged 359 entries.
Fady German tagged 353 entries.
Etymology Taggers
Jillian Marcantonio (Duke University) tagged 1178 etymology entries.
James Bennett (Tara-Lu Corporation) tagged 161 etymology entries.
Jana Safley (Jerusalem University College) tagged 128 etymology entries.