Conjugations (Kaylo)
The table below contains the complete set of conjugations recognized by SEDRA. Conjugation IVa and it's passive form IVp are special conjugation names used by Brock & Kiraz to refer to any conjugation other than forms 1-3.
1 |
Pʿal (ܦܥܰܠ) |
Ethpʿel (ܐܶܬܦܥܶܠ) |
2 |
Paʿʿel (ܦܰܥܶܠ) |
Ethpaʿʿal (ܐܶܬܦܰܥܰܠ) |
3 |
Aphʿel (ܐܰܦܥܶܠ) |
Ettaphʿal (ܐܶܬܬܰܦܥܰܠ) |
4 |
Saphʿel (ܣܰܦܥܶܠ) |
Estaphʿal (ܐܶܣܬܰܦܥܰܠ) |
5 |
Shaphʿel (ܫܰܦܥܶܠ) |
Eshtaphʿal (ܐܶܫܬܰܦܥܰܠ) |
6 |
Taphʿel (ܬܰܦܥܶܠ) |
Ettaphʿal (pass. of taphʿel) (ܐܶܬܬܰܦܥܰܠ) |
7 |
Palpel (ܦܰܠܦܶܠ) |
8 |
Pawʿel (ܦܰܘܥܶܠ) |
Ethpawʿal (ܐܶܬܦܰܘܥܰܠ) |
9 |
Payʿel (ܦܰܝܥܶܠ) |
Ethpayʿal (ܐܶܬܦܰܝܥܰܠ) |
10 |
Pamʿel (ܦܰܡܥܶܠ) |
11 |
Parʿel (ܦܰܪܥܶܠ) |
Ethparʿal (ܐܶܬܦܰܪܥܰܠ) |
12 |
Palpal (ܦܰܠܦܷܰܠ) |
Ethpalpal (ܐܶܬܦܰܠܦܰܠ) |
13 |
P (ܦ) |
Ethp (ܐܶܬܦ) |
14 |
Paʿli (ܦܰܥܠܺܝ) |
Ethpaʿli (ܐܶܬܦܰܥܠܺܝ) |
15 |
Iva |
Ivp |