1. lexeme
    1. 1782
    2. https://sedra.bethmardutho.org/api/lexeme/1782.html
    1. English
      1. to make king
      2. to be reigned over.
      3. counsel
      4. promise
      5. deliberate
      6. reign
      7. to reign, rule
      8. Ia to counsel, advise, promise, reign
      9. IIIa to counsel, give advice
      10. to promise
      11. Ip to consult
      12. IIa to give advice
      13. IIIp to be made king
      14. to be promised
    2. Arabic
      1. نصح, حرض (مض) على
      2. وعد
    3. French
      1. conseiller, exhorter
      2. promettre
    1. 1065
    2. https://sedra.bethmardutho.org/api/root/1065.html
    1. 26307
    2. 26306
    3. 26305
    4. 26304
    5. 26303
    6. 26302
    7. 11765
    8. 11764
    9. 11760
    10. 11759
    11. 11758
    12. 11756
    13. 11755
    14. 11754
    15. 11753
    16. 11752
    17. 26311
    18. 26310
    19. 26309
    20. 26308
    21. 11778
    22. 11776
    23. 11775
    24. 11774
    25. 11773
    26. 11772
    27. 11770
    28. 11769
    29. 11768
    30. 11767
    31. 11751
    32. 11749
    33. 11766
    34. 11763
    35. 11762
    36. 11761
    37. 11757
    38. 26313
    39. 26312
    40. 11777
    41. 11781
    42. 11780
    43. 11779
    44. 11771
    45. 11750