1. lexeme
    1. 1187
    2. https://sedra.bethmardutho.org/api/lexeme/1187.html
    1. Arabic
      1. ختم, أمضى
      2. أغلق
      3. أنهى
      4. رسم إشارة الصليب أو علم على ذاته
      5. اندمل
    2. French
      1. sceller , signer
      2. fermer
      3. finir
      4. marquer , ou se signer , de la croix
      5. se refermer (plaie)
    3. English
      1. to finish, conclude
      2. Ip to be sealed, signed
      3. to be closed
      4. seal
      5. stamp
      6. impress
      7. to stop up, close
      8. to make the sign of the cross
      9. to be printed.
      10. to mark, sign with the cross
      11. Ia to seal
      12. Kth. to be printed, published
      13. IIp to be consummated, accomplished
      14. to ratify, confirm
      15. to certify
      16. Kth. to print, publish
      17. IIa to seal, sign, subscribe
    1. 699
    2. https://sedra.bethmardutho.org/api/root/699.html
    1. 7828
    2. 7836
    3. 7826
    4. 7825
    5. 7824
    6. 7822
    7. 7831
    8. 23960
    9. 7835
    10. 7834
    11. 7833
    12. 7832
    13. 7829
    14. 7827