ܣܰܪܓܳܐ [†] srgʾ sargā saddle; sarāḡā sellarius (sic LS), saddle-cloths, trappings worked with gold
Derivatives: ܣܪܲܓ srg sraḡ to interweave, to bind, to knit together; ܣܪܝܼܓܬܵܐ srygtʾ srigtā 1. mat; 2. basket; 3. μίτρα; Etpe. 1. to be interwoven; 2. to be joined together; 3. to be knotted firmly, bound on; Pa. to put on a saddle-cloth, to saddle; Etpa. to be harnessed
According to LS it is a Semitic word (cf. Hebr. śārag, Arab. šarǧ); Shaked (1987, 261), on the contrary, believes that Syr. srgʾ, together with the verbal denominative SRG occurring both in Syriac and in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, is a loanword from Iranian. However, NP sarǰ saddle (Steingass 671) seems to be a loanword from Arabic ● srgʾ saddle JSB 4, 394, 14; PsC 231, 6; Joh Eph 271, 24; Chr an 1, 307, 30 = MiS 456b 28 = Bh chr 117u; sellarius Chr an 1, 323, 10; srg ES 3, 401B; Cyrill ZDMG 27, 594, 16 and 23; am 3, 547, 3; JS Tham 224; JSB 1, 657, 14; ThbK 1, 27, 13; srygtʾ mat Job 18, 8; J St 38, 8; Bh ce 3, 265, 2; LSt 58, 1; basket ES 2, 294D; Ming 1, 192, 13; DionbS comt Ap 72, 3; μίτρα Judith 16, 8; Etpe. to be interwoven JSB 5, 646, 18; PhilV 106, 8; to be joined together Bh gr 1, 257, 3; to be knotted firmly, bound on Thr 1, 14 cit. ESL 417, 10; Pa. IA 2, 278, 798; am 7, 63pu; Bh chr 172, 20; JSB 3, 704, 2; Etpa. ESJ 111, 7 ◆ LS 496b; PS Suppl. 241