ܣܰܡܽܘܪܳܐ smwrʾ samurā mustela zibellina; the sable or marten
Derivative: ܬܲܥܠܵܐ ܣܲܡܘܼܪܝܵܐ tʿlʾ smwryʾ taʿlā samuryā vulpes zibellina
MP samōr [smwl] sable, marten (CPD 73); cf. Gr. σίμωρ (Hesych.); Arm. LW samoyr (Hübschmann AG 236, no. 568); NP sammūr the Scythian weasel or marten, the sable (Steingass 698) ● smwrʾ Jšd 59, 22; Med 587, 10; tʿlʾ smwryʾ Bh chr 161, 5 ◆ LS 482b: Pers. samūr Lagarde GA 71, 178; Blau ZDMG 23, 269; PS Suppl. 234