ܡܰܟܽܘܟܳܐ mkwkʾ makukā a measure = 1/8 qaḇā κάβος (EN chr 102, 17)
Allotrope: ܡܩܘܩ mqwq. Reborrowings: ܡܩܘܓ mqwg; ܡܟܘܓ mkwg. Derivative: ܡܵܟܘܼܬܵܐ mkwtʾ mākuṯā boat, raft; a floating bladder used by fishermen as a fishing-net
Early MP makōk, later makōg [mkwk'] boat (CPD 53; cf. Gignoux 1990a, 72–74); ManMP mkwg /makōg/ boat (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 228; Henning 1937a, 85); Arm. LW makoik boat, ship (Hübschmann AG 191, no. 386); NP makō a weaver's shuttle (Steingass 1301), makōk id. (ibid. 1302); NP, Arab. makkūk drinking cup made in the form of a ship; a measure (ibid.). — Md. mʾkwtʾ boat, Lidzb. Joh 2, 152 n. 5. Syr. makuqā is translated as "a certain measure" (PS 2102) and as "a dry measure" (PS Suppl. 193). The derivative mkwtʾ comes from MP makōg [mkwk'] boat (CPD 53), followed by the Syr. fem. suffix -ṯā. Gignoux, cit., found the MP term attested as the name of a Sasanian cup having the form of a ship: “Il semble maintenant assuré que nous tenons là la désignation de la coupe en argent oblongue et creuse, en forme de bateau, qui a servi de coupe à boire (le vin ou une autre boisson), et plus tard a pu être utilisée comme mesure pour les liquides ou pour des denrées sèches, ainsi que l'attestent les emplois du mot dans sa diachronie”; in the Commentary from Diyarbakır (Van Rompay 1986) the meaning of the Syr. loanword is in fact "ship-shaped cup" ● mkwkʾ am 3, 391, 9; Chr an 2, 213, 5; Bh chr 389, 12; ce 3, 527, 5; mqwg BB 1459; mqwq Gn 44, 2; EN 58, 48; BB 1295, 15; mkwg Van Rompay 1986, 118.5 (ed.), 152.3 (transl.); mkwtʾ boat BA 5893; float BB 1180, 1 (cf. Anastase apud Lidzb. l.l.) ◆ LS 385a; 400a; 386b; Fraenkel 1886, 207; PS 2102; PS Suppl. 193; Lagarde AS 1407; PS Comp. 271; Maggi 2003, 116 and n. 16 (about the etymon of the MP word)