ܐܶܙܒ݂ܳܪܟܳܐ [†] ʾzbrkʾ ezḇārkā (BA 428); ezbarkā (Bh gr 1, 218, 21 cf. Moberg ad l. izbarkā EN 42, 46; iz- Kays 136, 16) bos taurus, buffalo
Lagarde refers to Arabic زبرخ Fihrist 322, 10; 325, 8 (Nöldeke); but also compares Arm. zwarak (Hübschmann AG 303, no. 25), which in Num 7, 21 would correspond to Gr. μόσχος: maybe loanword from Ir., connected with Arm. LW zawr, loanword from Parthian zʾwr "esercito, forza" (Bolognesi 1960, 56)? The Ir. origin seems improbable, especially because the Syr. word is attested very early, and never with the general meaning of "strength", which would be essential for the etymological comparison with the Ir. words Av. zāuuar-, MP zōr power, strength (CPD 99), ManParth. zʾwr /zāwar/ strength, power (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 380), ManMP and ManParth. zwr /zōr/ id. (ibid. 385 f.) ● Hex Js 30, 24; Jer 50, 11; Symm ψ 69, 32; am 3, 270, 20; RHRB 183, 1626; Duv B 2, 207, 2; 252 n 1 ◆ LS 9b; Lagarde GA 11, 19; PS Suppl. 11