ܐܰܕܽܘܓܳܐ dwgʾ aḏuggā oven, oven rake or bar
MP ādurgāh [ʾtwrgʾs] fire altar (CPD 5). In LS and PS Suppl. 4 the Iranian origin is not recognized. The MP cluster -rg- is eliminated by means of the assimilation of /r/ to the following plosive (see § 11.5); consequently, in the transcription of this word I presume the gemination of Syriac /g/. Note the semantic change of the Syriac loanword in comparison with its model: the religious value of MP ādurgāh has been completely lost. According to PS Suppl. 4, in lexicographers the Syriac word is also attested as meaning "the abyss of fire, Gehenna"; the shift in meaning must be due to its use in a Christian context. See also ʾdwr, ʾdrwqʾ ● ES 2, 383 C; ESV 40u; Nis 58, 13; IAB 1, 119, 5; Bh gr 1, 180, 14; BA 215; BB 34u; according to LS, in ON 6, 17 the word means "deprecator" ◆ LS 5b; PS Suppl. 4