ܒܪܳܐ (pl. ܒܢܰܝ̈ܳܐ), f. ܒܰܪܬܳܐ (pl. ܒܢ̈ܳܬܳܐ) son, daughter. Many phrases with ܒܰܪ, ܒܰܪܬ, ܒܢ̈ܰܝ, ܒܢ̈ܳܬ expressing relationship, belonging; e.g.: ܒܰܪ ܐܶܓܳܪܳܐ lunatic; ܒܰܪ ܐܺܝܬܽܘܬܳܐ consubstantial; ܒܰܪ ܐܢܳܫܳܐ, ܒܰܪܢܳܫܳܐ person, human being; ܒܰܪ ܐܰܬܪܳܐ compatriot, indigenous; ܒܰܪ ܒܰܝܬܳܐ bond slave, born in the house; human being, kindred; ܒܰܪ ܒܶܣܬܪܳܐܺܝܬ backwards; ܒܰܪ ܒܶܣܬܪܳܝܳܐ reverse; ܒܰܪ ܓܰܒܳܐ adherent (of a party, sect); ܒܰܪ ܓܶܢܣܳܐ kindred; ܒܰܪ ܙܰܘܓܳܐ husband; close companion; ܒܰܪܬ ܙܰܘܓܳܐ wife; ܒܰܪ ܚܺܐܪ̈ܶܐ noble, freeborn; ܒܰܪ ܟܝܳܢܳܐ consubstantial, of the same nature; ܒܰܪ ܠܘܺܝܬܳܐ travelling companion; ܒܰܪ ܡܕܺܝܢ̱ܬܳܐ citizen; ܒܰܪ ܡܶܠܟܳܐ counselor; ܒܰܪ ܥܳܠܡܳܐ layman; ܒܰܪ ܥܶܢܝܳܢܳܐ familiar friend; ܒܰܪ ܦܶܚܡܳܐ similar, Kth. colleague; ܒܰܪ ܩܝܳܡܳܐ / ܒܰܪ̱ܬ ܩܝܳܡܳܐ someone who has taken ascetic vows; Kth. f. wife of a priest; ܒܰܪ ܫܡܳܐ having the same name, namesake; ܒܰܪ ܫܳܥܬܳܐ, ܒܰܪ ܫܳܥܬܶܗ immediately.