ܫܺܝܫܳܐ [†] šyšʾ šišā marble, alabaster vase
Lagarde supposes an Iranian origin: cf. MP šīšag [šyšk'] bottle, flask (CPD 80); NP šīša glass, bottle, flask (Steingass 775); Arm. šīš (Hübschmann AG 214, no. 481); but the Syr. word is clearly related to Hebr. šēš alabaster, Aram., Md. šīšā bottle, phial (Drower – Macuch 1963, 464), Akkad. šaššu alabaster, and this well attested Semitic term is usually regarded as an Egyptian loanword: cf. Koehler – Baumgartner 1995, 1374 ● Cant 5, 15 cf. MS 2, 25, 1; am 3, 347, 7; PsC 70, 11; Duv B 2, 44, 20; Bh chr 79, 23 ◆ LS 774b; Lagarde GA 83, 220