ܪܦܢܛܝܘܢ rpnṭywn the Persian deity of the midday heat
This word is unexplained and wrongly translated in LS (name of a bird?), also because in the edition of Pseudo-Dionysios Areopagites it has been read as "Raphantion". On the contrary, A. Götze (Die Schatzhöhle, Sitz.-Ber. Heidelb. Ak. d. Wiss. 1922, 47) suggested the right reading, namely Rapiṭwin, the Persian deity of the midday heat. See also Trumpf 1971, 327 and n. 9. The Syr. LW represents an antecedent of MP rapihwin [lpys-, lpyt-pyn', -wyn'] the afternoon gāh; south (CPD 71); Nyberg 167, s.v. rapitfak [lpytpk'] southern; NP rapitvintar (Horn 290); Av. rapiθβina-, rapiθβi(na)tara- adj. southernmost, < Av. rapiθβa- noon, south (AirWb 1509); OP *rapiθβaina- southern (Hinz 1975, 199). See also Gershevitch 1969b, 266; Hinz 1973, 33. The Syr. form rpnṭywn shows the methatesis -yw- from Ir. -wy-, and probably the first -n- must be regarded as a simple scribal a error for -y-: if so, the correct form would be *rpyṭwyn ● PsDion. Areop. 155, 9; Furlani 1917, 251 ◆ LS 741b