ܪܝܒܣ rybs Rheum ribes, Rheum rhaponticum, garden rhubarb
Reborrowing: ܪܘܢܕ rwnd
MP rēbās [lypʾs] a plant (Nyberg 169; see Gignoux 1998, 730 n. 22); NP rībās, rīvās, rīvāǰ or rīvanǰ a sour herb, sorrel, generally taken as rhubarb, NP rīvand rhubarb (Steingass 601 and 604); Arm. LW erewant; Gr. LW ρJη'ον, ρJα' rhubarb (Diosc. 2, 3); see Laufer 1919, 547–551; probably the Ir. word is connected with OP *rābaka-, enlargement in -ka- from < *rāba- rhubarb (Hinz 1975, 195). See also Mancini 1992, 101; Gignoux 2001, 230 (MP rēwās rhubarb) ● rybs BA 4480; rwnd Med 355, 13 ◆ LS 708b; Löw 171; PS Suppl. 317