ܨܗܪܝܓ ṣhryg cistern
This Syr. term represents a Persian compound from NP čāh well, pit (Steingass 387; cf. Müller 1894, 365 f.) and MP *-rēg, NP -rēg, -rī (see above, s.v. ʾbryqʾ); cf. MP, NP rēz-, rēxtan to flow, pour (CPD 72); the compound is attested in NP, Arab. ṣihrīǰ cistern, reservoir (Steingass 796), a word of ultimately Iranian origin that was borrowed back into NP from Arabic, as suggested by LS ● gloss to Syr. psqyn in MiS 554 a 18 = Bh ce 1, 407, 6; ON 83, 13 ◆ LS 623a; PS Comp. 474