ܣܦܶܢܕܰܪܡܰܕ spndrmd spendarmad 12th Persian month
MP Spandarmad [spndrmt'] Holy Thought, the fourth Amahraspand, earth goddess; cal. 12th month, 5th day (CPD 75; Nyberg 177); Av. Spəntā-–rmaiti- (AirWb 336 f.); Arm. LW spandaramet Dionysos (← Ir. *spanta-, NW form; Hübschmann AG 73–74, no. 169 and 170) and sandaramet abyss, hell (← Ir. *santa-, SW form; Hübschmann AG cit.): Bolognesi 1960, 12–13; NP sipandārmuz , isfandārmuz name of the twelth month of the solar year; name of the fifth day of every month (Steingass 652 and 58) ● am 2, 603, 12 ◆ LS 491a; Lagarde AS 2039