ܢܢܟܘܗܓ nnkwhg ammi (bot., African plant)
MP *nān-xwāhag; cf. NP nān-xwāh aniseed (in some places it seems to mean "caraway-seed"), which is frequently baked into bread on account of its flavour and stomachic qualities (Steingass 1381); NP nānūxiya, nānūxaya aniseed (ibid.); cf. Late Gr. νανοῦχα ammi (Du Cange, s.v.); Arm. LW ananux spiced bread; Hübschmann (1892, 232 no. 8; AG 96, no. 19), discussing the Arm. LW ananux, also refers to MP nānā nānūkspram mint and spiced bread (Bund. 66, 21). NP nān-xwāh and MP *nān-xwāh(ag) come from OIr. *nagna-xwāda- (Mayrhofer EWA 2, 6 and 797); the first element of the Ir. form is MP, NP nān bread (CPD 58; Nyberg 136; Steingass 1380), the second corresponds to OInd. svādú-, Skr. svāda- sweet, IE *sweH2dú-, *sweH2des- (Hübschmann 1892, 232 no. 8; Id. 1895, 57); consequently, the literal meaning would be "sweet tasting bread, spiced bread" ● nnkwhg BB 986, 12 ◆ LS 432a; Lagarde AS § 1418; Löw 259 ff.; Duval index pers. 227