ܢܽܘܗܰܕܪܳܐ nwhdrʾ nuhaḏrā the Nohodar, the title of a military commander
Parth. nhwdr /naxwaδār/ (Henning 1953, 133), lit. "celui qui tient le premier (rang), qui détient la primauté" (Gignoux's translation in Gyselen 2004, 32 n. 5), < OIr. *naxwa-dāra-. As for the Parthian form naxwaδār, the loanwords, and the semantic value of the term cf. Khurshudian 1998, 138–140, with bibl.; Huyse 2004; Gignoux 2004, 43; Widengren 1960, 33. See also Lat. Nohodares (Amm. Marc. 14, 3; 18, 6; 25, 3); Arm. LW naxarar governor (Benveniste 1929, 6–7; Christensen 1944, 21 n. 3; Garsoïan 1989, 549), and nax-, nah- before, forward (Bolognesi 1960, 37; Hübschmann AG 200, no. 428). This Parthian title was borrowed into Syriac very early: it is already attested in the first Syr. inscriptions (Healey 1995, 81 and n. 47; cf. Segal 1954, 21). See also s.vv. nkwʾr and nkwrgn ● Pogn. inscr. 28 no. 5, 5; BB 1223, 21 ◆ LS 416b; PS Suppl. 207