ܡܰܠܒܶܕ mlbd malbeḏ a Persian title
MP mardbed [mrdpty], hapax in a MP ostrakon from Dura-Europos; cf. Arm. LW mardpet (Hübschmann AG 69, no. 150 and n. 2); untenable the etymon proposed by PS Suppl. 194 ("perhaps a corruption of mōbed"); as Gignoux points out (personal communication), “le passage de -rd- à -l- indique une évolution dialectale”: see § 9. Khurshudian 1998, 292 and 142 tentatively translates the term as "Rechnungsführer", and holds that the reading [mrdpty] is uncertain; see also Livšic – Xuršudjan 1988, 61–81 ● Bedjan, Hist. 257, 10; 11 ◆ PS Suppl. 194