ܟܪܙܗܠܓ krzhlg Nerium oleander
MP *xar-zahrag; NP xar-zahra a poisonous shrub or fruit; the colocynth (as being poisonous to asses, dogs, and other animals); rhododaphne (Steingass 454); cf. MP zahr poison, venom, and MP zahrag [z(ʾ)hlk'] bile, gall (CPD 97; Nyberg 228): see s.v. zhrʾ. According to PS Suppl. 171 the loanword is attested also in GW 246 r with the meaning "wormwood". If the etymon proposed is correct, the presence of l for Ir. /r/ may be explained as a dissimilation; an influence of the Pahlavi script seems unlikely. Similar cases of dissimilation are listed in § 11.3.2 ● BS in BB 919pu ◆ LS 344a–b; PS 1819; Lagarde GA 61, 154; Löw 130; Duval index pers. 225
Allotrope: ܟܵܪܙܵܝܵܐ krzyʾ kārzāyā
MP kārezār [kʾlycʾl] battle(-field) (CPD 50; Nyberg 113); ManMP kʾrycʾr, qʾrycʾr, qʾrcʾr /kārezār/ battle, battle-field (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 203); NP kārzār a battle; engagement, conflict, combat (Steingass 1002 f.; Horn 185). — Md. qalazar strife, conflict, battle (by dissimilation from Pers. kārzār: Drower – Macuch 1963, 400; Nöldeke MG xxxii n. 1; p. 305) ● BA 4856; BB 920, 21 ◆ LS 344b; 324a