ܟܪܒܘܙ krbwz ass-goats
MP xar-buz [hlbwc] oryx (CPD 94); ManMP xrbwz /xarbuz/ id. (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 364; Henning 1937a, 89); Arm. LW xarbuz id. (Hübschmann AG 159, no. 273). — Talm. Aram. krbwz (Telegdi 246, 87). In Syr. the word is a hapax, and occurs as the gloss of ʿezzay ḥmār: see Ciancaglini 2001b, 127 ● PsC 211, 8 ◆ Not recorded in LS; PS Suppl. 170 wrongly believes that it is a transliteration of the homonymous NP word xarbuz "water-melon" and consequently is compelled to correct also the Syr. text ʿzy ḥmr to qṭḥ ḥmr