ܛܰܠܫܳܢܳܐ [?] ṭlšnʾ ṭalšānā pallium, mantle
Derivative: ܛܠܫܢܓ ṭlšng id.
Cf. NP tālisān, tālišān a kind of coif wreathed round the head, with a lappet or sash hanging down (Steingass 276); the word is attested only in BB and, as suggested by Lagarde and LS, seems to have been borrowed from NP, because of the palatoalveolar voiceless fricative Syr. š, corresponding to the NP form, whereas the Arabic form ṭailasān "a shawl-like garment worn over head and shoulder" has the sibilant /s/. However, the ultimate origin of the word is not clear to me. –ryān (1992, 541) mentions the Arabized NP form ṭaylasān (Steingass 824) among the Christian words that entered NP from Arabic, but he does not explain if the word is, in his opinion, of Semitic or Iranian origin ● BB 897u; 1623, 3 ◆ LS 279a; Lagarde GA 51, 135; PS Suppl. 145; Duval index pers. 222