ܙܰܘܬܪܳܐ zwtrʾ zawtrā 1. cake offered to idols; 2. Tirhan. βούγλωσσον satureja
Cf. Av. zaoθrā̆-, MP zōhr [zwhl] libation, offering (CPD 99; Nyberg 232: water consecrated for the ritual, holy water): ManMP zwhr /zōhr/ libation, oblation (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 385); the MP form is is a northwestern one because of -hr-: see § 9 ● libation offered to idols Jer 7, 18; 51, 44; ES 2, 89E; 382F (s.l.); IA 2, 212 v 168; Hoffmann 1880 n. 874; Th Marg 1, 201, 4; Bab 242, 8; Tirhan. βούγλωσσον satureja Nat 60, 11 (cf. transl. 78 n. 3); BB 685, 3 (Löw n. 182), (Med 165, 7 ܬܘܕܕܐ) ◆ LS 208b; Lagarde GA 42, 108; PS Comp. 114; PS Suppl. 117
LS hesitantly suggests a possible Iranian origin ● BB 108, 8; 1991, 17 ◆ LS 190a