ܐܘܦܬܐܦܪܝܕ zwptʾpryd a medicament
NP ǰuft āfrīd satyrion (Steingass 365 reads ǰufat āfrīd); the first element is NP ǰuft pair, couple, yoke (Steingass 365; Horn 95) and corresponds to MP ǰuxt [ywht] pair, couple (CPD 47); ManParth. ywxt /yuxt/ pair (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 375); Arm. LW ǰuxtak pair (Hübschmann AG 233, no. 554); āfrīd is a form of the MP, NP verb āfrīdan to create (CPD 5; Steingass 82); according to Lagarde, the literal meaning of this botanic term would be "pariter creatum" ● BB 683, 14 (s.l.) ◆ LS 203b; Lagarde GA 42, 107; Löw n. 94