ܙܰܒܺܝܠܳܐ zbylʾ zabbilā basket
Reborrowing: ܙܲܢܒܝܼܠܵܐ znbylʾ zanbilā
NP zanbīl, zinbīl a basket made of palm-leaves (Steingass 624) and NP zanbīr a two-handled basket, a pannier of palm-leaves (ibid.). — Akkad. zabbīlu; Arab. zambil id. The Iranian origin is suggested by Lagarde and Duval, but LS only refers to Akkad. zabbīlu. The Syr. word occurs in later texts, and the borrowing from NP is very probable, apart from its ultimate Semitic origin ● zbylʾ BB 673, 17; znbylʾ Sind 19, 12; Bh chr 309, 9; ad Mt 37, 25 ◆ LS 187a, 201a; Lagarde GA 41, 102; Duval index pers. 219