ܓܪܡܕܢܓ grmdng remedy for women used as an aphrodisiac and to cicatrize mammae wounds
MP *garm-dānag; the first element is MP garm [glm] warm, hot (CPD 35), ManMP grm /garm/ warm (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 163), NP garm warm, hot (Steingass 1084; Horn 203); the second element corresponds to MP dān(ag) [dʾnʾk'] seed, grain (CPD 24), NP dāna id. (Steingass 501). Lagarde refers to NP garm-dāna, but Steingass only records garmdān a kind of fruit (1084) ● BB 475, 6 ◆ LS 133b; Lagarde GA 30, 72; Duval index pers. 216