ܓܙܡܙܐ gzmzg the fruit of the tamarisk-tree
MP *gaz-māzag, cf. NP gazmāzak the fruit of the tamarisk-tree (Steingass 1088) and NP, Arab. kizmāzaǰ the berries of the tamarisk (ibid. 1027). The first element of the compound is MP gaz [gc] tamarisk (CPD 36), NP gaz the tamarisk-tree (Steingass 1087); the second element, as Maggi (personal communication) suggests, seems to be MP *māzag, a derivative of MP *māz, NP māz gall or oak-apple (Steingass 1140); cf. also NP māzū id. (ibid.). As far as the unusual correspondence between the final -g of the Syr. form and the final -k of NP gazmāzak is concerned, Gignoux informs me (personal communication) that there are some MP words ending in -g corresponding in NP to a final -k of ancient etymology: see § ● BB 271, 6; 480, 22 ◆ LS 112a; Löw 66