ܓܽܘܪܓ ܐܰܦܫܳܪܓ gwrg ʾpšrg gurg ap̄šārg ὀμφάκινος οἶνος, wine made with unripe grapes
MP *gōr afšārag? In my opinion, it is possible that the first element of the Syr. phrase represents MP, NP gōr onager, wild ass (see s.v. gwr): this Pers. word also means —at least in NP—"wine, mirth" (Steingass 1101). The second word represents MP *afšārag, NP afšura juice expressed from pomegranates, quinces and other fruits or plants (Steingass 84), Arab. afšaraǧ, a derivative from MP, NP afšurdan, afšār- to press, compress (CPD 5; Steingass 83); see also MP, NP afšārdan id. (ibid.); Arm. LW awšarak juice (Bolognesi 1960, 59; Hübschmann AG 259, no. 684). The confusion in Syriac between Pers. gurg and gōr is also attested in ḥmrʾ gwrg (see s.v.). On the contrary, LS reconstructs NP *gurg afšura (not recorded in Steingass), where the first term corresponds to MP, NP gurg wolf (CPD 38; Nyberg 86; Steingass 1083): in this case, the word for "wolf" would be used in some unattested methaphorical meaning ● BB 189, 6 ◆ LS 131a; Lagarde GA 27, 63; Duval index pers. 216