ܒܪܢܓ brng an Indian or Chinese berry, strongly purgative
The Iranian model is not clear: perhaps cf. NP biranǰ a kind of medicine which promotes a discharge of phlegm, or NP baranǰ a most delicious species of the date (Steingass 179); the rendering of Ir. -ǰ with Syr. -g is irregular as in Syr. blng rice ← MP brinǰ and, in my opinion, can be explained in the same way (approximate rendering of a foreign phoneme in a learned loanword, see above § 11.3.4; note that the two words are both attested in Med). Possibly cf. also NP biring a kind of the myrobalan (Steingass 180). The Syr. form is identical to the previous one, but PS Suppl. reads barāng: given the meaning, it seems clear that this Syr. word is not the same as Syr. brng rice ● Med 306, 12 ◆ PS Suppl. 62; not recorded in LS