ܒܰܪܙܰܢܩܳܐ brznqʾ barzanqā jamb
Allotrope: ܒܪܙܢܩܢܐ brznqnʾ
MIr. *barzang; ManMP brzng /barzang/ leggings (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 111). — Md. bwrzynqʾ burzenqā "Hauptbinde" (Widengren 1960, 91 f.; Nöldeke MG 20 n. 2); Talm. Aram. bwrzynqʾ. Widengren (1960, 91 f.) observes that the Syr. word means "Beinschiene", namely "jamb", but also "Kopfbinde", and quotes the passage in ThbK 1, 258, 4. PS Suppl. 62 records the meaning of "crown of the ancient Persian kings, i.e. fillet, diadem; bandage, wrapping", but adds that, in PsC 172, 4, the word means "puttees, leggings, greaves", whereas in PsC 129, 1 the meaning would be "strips wound round the arms". Widengren suggests the possibility that there has been a confluence of two compounds originally distinct from one another, namely MIr. *barzang (< zang leg) and *barzanax (< *zanaka- chin); according to Widengren, the first element, bar-, is related to Av. pairi, OP pariy around, about (prefix and preposition). However, Av. pairi, OP pariy generally correspond to MP par-, whereas MP (a)bar- is related to Av. upairi, OP upariy. The form brznqʾ is Parthian in origin, because of z- in -zang (cf. Tedesco 1921, 189); see also MP zang [zng'] ankle, shank (CPD 98; Horn 302), Late Lat. zanca (tsanga), ae fem. = kind of boot made of smooth leather, used by the Parthians (Trebellius Pollio Claudius 17, 6; Cod. Th.); < IE *ĝhengh-, Germ. gang etc. ● brzqʾ 1Sm 17, 6; PsC 129, 1; ThbK 1, 258, 4; Bh gr 1, 34, 27; BA 2596; BB 153, 13; brzqnʾ AS 153, 25 ◆ LS 96a; Lagarde GA 24, 53; Henning 1940, 42