ܒܢܓܐ bngʾ a kind of cannabis
Allotrope: ܒܘܢܓ bwng cannabis indica
MP bang [bng] henbane (CPD 17); NP bang hemp, cannabis sativa (Steingass 203); NP, Arab. banǰ; PS Suppl. informs us that in Med the letter «g» of the Syr. word appears with a diacritic mark (whose usage is late and incoherent) to indicate the palatalization, namely /ǰ/ (see § 11.3.4): hence, at least in the manuscript tradition, bwng is understood as coming directly from Arab. banǧ (this is, in fact, the opinion of LS) ● bngʾ Prot 91, 18; bwng Med 563, 4 ◆ LS 79a; PS Suppl. 45
As regards OIr. *banga-, Ved. bhaṅga-, and their comparison with similar terms in Burushaski and Caucasian languages, see Witzel 1999.