ܒܳܙܳܐ bzʾ bāzā hawk
MP bāz [bʾc] hawk, falcon (CPD 18); NP bāz a falcon (Steingass 144; Horn 37); Kurd. bāz; Pashto bāz, Baluci bāz, bāñz. See also bzy and bzyqʾ ● bzʾ Hebr 6 83, 5; plur. bzʾ bāzē KwD 6, 16 ◆ LS 63b
Bausani 1969, 183 considers NP bāz as a loanword from Arabic. Horn 37, s.v. bāz "Falke" refers to OInd. vājín- "rasch, mutig (Bedeutung Vogel ist spät)"; Bolognesi (1960, 48), with regard to Arm. LW bazē, objects that Horn's etymological analysis is surely wrong: “La comparazione con ai. vājin- "rapido, coraggioso", già semanticamente discutibile, risulta foneticamente insostenibile perché la forma medio-iranica bāz presuppone in ant. iran. b- (ant. iran. v- resta infatti in medio-iranico, e passa a b- solo in neoiranico, cf. Hübschmann, Pers. St., pp. 22, 154–155)”; Schapka (1972, 13 f., no. 49) also records the etymological attempt made by Stricker 1963–1964, who hypothesises an Egyptian origin.