ܒܗܡܢ bhmn a plant
MP wahman Good Mind, the first Amahraspand, guardian of the cattle; 11th month; 2nd day (CPD 86); NP bahman the root of a plant resembling a large radish; it is crooked, red and white, and is used medicinally (Steingass 212); cf. the previous entry. MP wahman early shows a botanic meaning, as noted by Gignoux (Gignoux 1998, 729), who also notices another botanic term involving the name of wahman, namely MP ābēšan ī Wahman, ‘marjolaine de Vahman’, attested in Selections of Zādspram (Gignoux – Tafazzoli 1993, 48–49) ● Med 266, 19; 602, 9; EN 24, 42; BB 361pu ◆ LS 61a; Lagarde GA 20, 41