ܐܰܪܙܒܶܕ rzbd arzbed secretary; the official who presents petitions
MP *(e)rāzbed secretary, lit. "master of secret(s)", a derivative from MP rāz (Shaked 1995, 176 ff.), usually attested in Syr. as rāzā, but also as ʾrzʾ, e.g. in BB (see s.v. rʾzʾ); the second element is MP -bed (see § 9.3.2). Other scholars have explained ʾrzbd as a corruption of MP azārbed, hazārpat (Rundgren 1973, 68) or have related the Syr. term to the MP title dar-andarzbad court preceptor (Mancini 1986). According to LS, the Syr. word means "dominus arcis", that is, it is a corrupted loanword from MP *argbed (the same opinon is expressed by Gignoux 1980a, 191; on argbed see Szemerényi 1975, 366–374): this interpretation is incorrect; see also s.v. ʾrgpṭʾ ● am 2, 131, 14; 154, 16; AM 1, 24, 20; Bedjan, Hist. 210 and 216 ◆ LS 47b; Lagarde 1878, 43; PS Suppl. 35; Tafazzoli 1995