ܐܣܦܝܢܕ ܐܣܦܝܕ spynd ʾspyd wild rue
MP *ispind ispēd "white mustard", as suggested by Gignoux 1998–1999, 197, and not "santalum album, sandal wood", as dubiously translated by PS Suppl. 28. Gignoux adds that the second word is the adjective "white", comparable with ManParth. ʾspyd (Boyce 1977, 22) whereas MP has spēd [spyt]. See also NP ispand sapēd, ispand wild rue, which they burn at marriages to drive away evil spirits (Steingass 48), sipand wild rue (ibid. 652); and Arm. LW spand id. (late loanword from NP, according to Hübschmann AG 377, no. 157). Gignoux (personal communication) points out to me the presence of sipand-i sipēd in the Islamic pharmacopoeia, where the second word is clearly "white"; see also Flattery – Schwartz 1989, 142 and s.v. spdʾ ● Med 88, 4; Löw 371 ◆ LS 36a; Lagarde GA p. 173 ff.; PS Suppl. 28