ܐܟܘܪ kwr stable
MP āxwarr [ʾhwl] manger, stable (CPD 14); OIr. *āxwarna-; Arm. LW axoṙ stall (Hübschmann AG 93, no. 6); Sogd. ʾʾxwyr; NP āxur stable, stall (Steingass 26; Horn 8). The rendering of Ir. /x/ with Syr. k (and not with ḥ) is evidence that the borrowing does not precede the Sasanian period (see § 11.3.3). In Syr. the term appears in the sequenceܐܡܝܪ ܐܟܘܪ ʾmyr ʾkwr amir ākor head groom, which could either be a loanword from NP amīr-i āxur master of the horse (Steingass 102), or an imperfect calque of MP āxwarr-bed or āxwarr-sālār head groom (CPD 14), cf. ManParth. ʾxwrpty, Sogd. ʾʾxwyrpt, Arm. LW axoṙapet master of the horse (Hübschmann AG 93, no. 6; for the relations between the OP, Parth., and Arm. forms cf. Gershevitch 1969a, 170); OP *āxvarnapati- master of the horse (Hinz 1975, 26; Id. 1973, 93; Gignoux 1972, 45). — Talm. Aram. ʾhwryyrʾequerry ← MP *āxwarr-dār (Telegdi 226, 8, who emends the form to ʾḥwryyrʾ, following Lagarde 1878, 42) ● Bh chr 1 484,16 = 2 457, 1 ◆ LS 20a; 27a