ܐܒܪܝܫܘܡ bryšwm silk
MP abrēšom [ʾplyš(w)m] silk (CPD 4); Arm. LW aprišum (Hübschmann AG 107, no. 56); ManMP ʾbryšwm /abrešom/ silk (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 14); NP abrīšam, abrīšum (Steingass 8). — Md. ʾbryšwm; Arab. ibrīsam silk ● BB 21, 14 ◆ LS 3b; Lagarde GA 7, 6
As to the etymon of the Iranian word, Horn 16 f. refers to Lagarde (1877, no. 175) and Tomaschek (1880, 806) who, for the etymon of the Iranian word, compare Skr. kṣauma- "gewobene Seide" and renconstruct OInd. *uparakṣauma-; more convincingly, Eilers 1985 suggests the connection with NP rēš-, rēštan to spin (cf. OInd. riś-áti he plucks, tears off: however, this comparison is rejected by Mayrhofer EWA 2, 461 f.): this scholar proposes that the Ir. word derives from OIr. *upa-raišma-. Steblin-Kamenskij 1999, 383 claims that the derivation from OIr. *abi-raišā̆ma- for the corresponding Waxī word, even if phonetically probable, is unlikely. See also Laufer 1919, 536.