ܐܒܐܣܩܘܢܝܗ bʾsqwnyh release of inheritance
MP *abasēk-wanīh? The first element of the MP reconstructed compound is a juridical term, namely MP abasēk [ʾpsyk'], attested in Mādayān ī hazār dādestān 38, 3 and 4, and translated by Perikhanian 1997, 337 as "liability, debt" ("Rente", Macuch 1981, 204). Perikhanian (who tentatively reads *apasēk) observes that the MP word seems to denote more particularly the liabilities connected with the emphyteutic lease of an estate on the crown or temple land. According to Périkhanian 1997, 337, MP abasēk comes from Iran. *upa- + saik- (< OIr. root *tsaik-, Parth. saik-, OP θaik-) and corresponds to Parth. ʾwpsyk (Nisa). The same root, with a different praefix, appears in Parth. ptsyk (Nisa), a formation corresponding to OP *patiθaika-, patiθaičana-, words designating a variety of yearly regular payments (see Gershevitch apud Hallock 1969, 16; Hinz 1973, 90 f.; Id. 1975, 189, who translates OP *patiθaika- and OP *patiθaičana- as "Gegenwert, Vergütung, Zahlung"). In Mādayān ī hazār dādestān 27, 15 and 16 is also attested the derivative *apasēkōmand [ʾpsykʾwmnd] "burdened with liabilities/debts/rent (regarding an emphyteutic tenure)" (Périkhanian 1997, 337), "mit einer Zahlung, Rente versehen" (Macuch 1981, 221). The second element of the compound is apparently the abstract wanīh (according to Maggi's suggestion, personal communication), from MP wany lost, destroyed (CPD 87) ● Rechtsb. 3, 150 f. ◆ LS 3a