ܫܗܛܪܓ šhṭrg Fumaria offic. L.
Allotropes: ܫܚܛܪܓ šḥṭrg; ܫܛܗܪܓ šṭhrg; ܨܝܛܪܓ ṣyṭrg Lepidium latifolium L.; pepperwort, cress; ܨܝܛܪܩ ṣyṭrq
The forms šhṭrg, šḥṭrg, and šṭhrg seem to be loanwords from MP *šāh-tarrag (unattested as a compound; cf. MP šāh king and tarrag vegetable, CPD 79 and 83), < Ir. *tarnaka- (Weber 1997, 627); NP šāhtarra, Arab. šāhtarraǧ fumitory (Steingass 727). In Med 366, 21 we read šṭhrg, a form that PS Suppl. 331 suggests hesitantly emending to šhṭrg parsnip; cf. Gignoux 1998, 730: “[...] syr. šthrg (366, 21), que Margoliouth (STS 331) propose de corriger en *šhtrg, comme réflétant l'ir. šāhtarrag, ‘verdure royale’, pour désigner le persil. Mais ce mot semble être un hapax, puisque partout ailleurs c'est la forme syriaque qui est utilisée: krpsʾ que Budge considère comme le ‘persil de roche’, mais il existe un autre mot pour désigner cette variété, à savoir syr. ptrwslynwn, ‘Petroselinum’ (STS 263)”. On the other hand, it is not excluded that the forms ṣyṭrg and ṣyṭrq reflect a different Iranian model: LS compares ṣyṭrg Lepidium latifolium L. with NP šīṭaraǰ, šīṭarax (← Arab.) a very acrid and caustic Indian medicine, fumitory (Steingass 776); see also NP šayṭara fumitory (Steingass 776). It is possible that ṣyṭrg and ṣyṭrq were borrowed from the antecedent of NP šayṭara, perhaps MP *šētarag. Lagarde mentions the calque mlk yrqwnʾ in BS (BB 529; cf. LS 309b, yrqʾ and derivatives, which means "pale, livid", "green; herb, etc.") ● šhṭrg Med 143, 11; 310, 8; EN 26, 69; BB 1938, 1; Löw 208; šṭhrg Med 366, 21; šḥṭgr γιγγίδιον Lepidium latifolium (emended from ܫܝܛܓܪ šyṭgr = Pers., Arab. šēṭaraǰ Muwaffaq b. ʿAlī fund. pharm. 160) Gal ZDMG 39, 255, 4; ṣyṭrg Med 307u; BB 946, 3; 1356, 3; 1672, 10 ◆ LS 626a; 760a; cf. LS 768b; Lagarde GA 82, 218; Löw 38; Duval index pers. 222; PS 3395; PS Suppl. 285