Lexicon | Language | Meaning |
Margoliouth | English | Ethpa. a) to be set or arranged in order, placed, ranked with |
Margoliouth | English | Pa. a) to order, set or place in order, arrange, assign, to lay out a corpse |
Margoliouth | English | Pass. Part. a) placed, arranged, ordered, orderly, moderate, modest, self-controlled |
Margoliouth | English | b) appointed, settled |
Margoliouth | English | b) to be ordained, receive holy orders, be consecrated |
Margoliouth | English | b) to ordain, confer holy orders; to set over, appoint a bishop; to institute, constitute, ordain laws, canons, festivals |
Margoliouth | English | c) composed, written |
Margoliouth | English | c) to be drawn up, composed as a lexicon |
Margoliouth | English | d) to be received, consumed |