ܟܘܪܓܐ kwrgʾ saddle-bag
Allotrope (or reborrowing?): ܟܘܼܪܙܵܐ kwrzʾ kurzā travelling-bag, saddle-bag. Derivative: ܟܘܼܪܣܬܵܐ kwrstʾ kurstā id.
Probably from an antecedent of NP, Arab. xurǰ a cloak-bag, portmanteau, wallet, saddle-bag (Steingass 453), see also the NP derivative xurǰīn, xurǰīna a portmanteau, saddle-bags (ibid.). From the same model also derives Arm. LW xorg packsaddle (Hübschmann AG 161 no. 285). Cipriano 2006 reconstructs the MP model as *xwarg "provision bag", a word related to the MP verbal root xwar- to eat, consume (CPD 95). From this MP word, according to Cipriano 2006, also derive NP xurzī (< *xwarǰīka- or *xwarčīka-), xurzīna (< *xwarǰīnaka- or *xwarčīnaka-) barn, granary (Steingass 484) and the Arabized forms xurǰīn, xurǰīna (see above). If this etymon is correct, we are forced to conclude that kwrgʾ and kwrzʾ are not allotropes, but represent a case of reborrowing, kwrgʾ from MP *xwarg and kwrzʾ from NP, Arab. xurǰ, in its turn borrowed from MP *xwarg. My hypothesis that kwrzʾ is an allotrope of kwrgʾ is based on several examples of alternation g/z in the rendering of Ir. /ǰ/ (see § 11.3.4), but in this case the model of the borrowing must have a (final?) voiced affricate, not a voiced velar stop. As regards the derivative kwrstʾ from kwrzʾ, it is formed with the Syr. suffix -ṯā, which induced the devoicing of the preceding consonant: see §§ 11.3.3; 11.6. On the contrary, Cipriano 2006, 463 holds that kwrzʾ and kwrstʾ have nothing to do with kwrgʾ, being related to Syr. kwrsʾ (LS 347b); this hypothesis seems to me untenable, given the vocalization kurāsā and the meaning "a quire of paper, part of a book; pamphlet, book etc." of this Syr. word (cf. PS Comp. 211; PS Suppl. 173) ● kwrgʾ PS; kwrzʾ Br Ch 1, 34, 5; kwrstʾ IA 2, 152, 241; KwD 43, 15 = 265, 10; BB 883, 8 ◆ LS 343a; 344a; 347b; PS 1811; Lagarde GA 57, 146; Hübschmann 1882, 130; PS Comp. 211; Duval index pers. 225