ܦܰܪܦܚܺܝܢܳܐ prpḥynʾ parpḥinā Portulaca oleracea, purslain
MP *parpahn, cf. NP parpahan, parpahn purslain (Steingass 240); Gignoux (personal communication) points out that the second element of this word is probably MP pahn wide, broad (CPD 64), “car c'est une plante qui s'étend beaucoup sur le sol”; cf. also NP, Arab. farfax, farfaxēz purslain; joints in stalks of corn (Steingass 920) ● Geop 22, 27; 65, 14; Gal ZDMG 39, 252, 43; Med 39, 11; EN 50, 34; BB 114, 22; 184, 9; 802pu ◆ LS 604a; Löw n. 264; PS Comp. 463