ܢܰܪܓܺܝܠ nrgyl nargil coconut
NP nārgīl fruit of the coco-palm; coconut (Steingass 1370); nārǰīl a coconut (ibid.); MP anārgēl [ʾnʾlgyl] coconut (CPD 9); the Ir. word is of Indian origin: cf. Skr. nārikela-, Pāli nā←ikera- coco-palm; coconut (Mancini 1992, 168; Turner 1966, no. 7075; Laufer 1919, 193 n. 1; Mayrhofer EWA 3, 288) ● BB 1276, 14 ◆ LS 449b; cf. Löw 85; Duval index pers. 227