ܡܽܘܣܰܪܓ [†] mwsrg musarg infected wound, tumour
LS refers to NP موسرک; Duval index pers. 227, quotes NP موسرک, موسرج, and suggests a derivation from mōy- weep (mōʾīdan to weep, Steingass 1349) and sarčap leprosy (ibid. 671). All these NP forms are ghost-words and they do not appear either in Steingass, or in Dihxudā. It is highly probable that the Syr. word is somehow connected with NP, Arab. muwassakh dirtied, muwassix, mūsix one who dirties or soils (Steingass 1344), derivatives of the Arab. root wasiḫa he was, or became, dirty, filthy (see Lane I 8, 2940) ● BB 1035, 22 ◆ LS 397a
MP mušk [mwšk'] musk (CPD 57); NP mušk, mišk musk (Steingass 1247); NP, Arab. misk id.; the word is of Indo-Arian origin: cf. OInd. muṣká- testicle, scrotum (Monier-Williams 1899, 824; Turner 1966, no. 10218; Mayrhofer EWA 2, 363) ● musk ES 3, 204, 14; IAB 1, 472, 10; am 2, 431, 19; KwD 37, 19; PsC 200, 11; Cat Cambr 638, 2; Bh chr 159, 1; Dictamnum thlaspi BB 570, 17; 571, 11 ◆ LS 408a; Lagarde GA 63, 159; Löw n. 300