ܐܳܒܪܺܝܩܳܐ bryqʾ āḇrēqā pitcher
Early (or dialectal?) MP *āb-rēk, MP *āb-rēg, from MP, NP āb "water", and MP *-rēg, NP -rēg, -rī < OIr. *raykah-, cf. Av. raēkah- to leave, renounce, give up (AirWb 1480; this comparison has been suggested by Maggi, personal communication); this form appears, for example, in NP murda-rī, murda-rēg effects of a dead person, anything hereditary; left as a heirloom, left behind (Steingass 1213). Cf. MP, NP rēz-, rēxtan to flow, pour (CPD 72), and NP āb-rēz a vessel used in baths for pouring water over the head and body (Steingass 8). — Arab. ibrīq pitcher, jug (Lagarde GA 7, 5; Horn 141) ● BA 99; BB 21, 14 ◆ LS 3b