ܟܽܘܙܳܐ kwzʾ kuzā 1. pitcher; 2. earthen pot
MP *kūz; ManMP qwz /kūz/? jug? (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 215); NP kūza an earthen bottle with a long narrow neck for water (Steingass 1061; Horn 194 and 107); Arm. LW ku pot, jug (Hübschmann AG 173, no. 324). — Talm. Aram. kwz, kwzʾ, kwztʾ cup, goblet, pitcher, little pitcher (Telegdi 245, 84); Md. kwzʾ; Arab. kūz small jug of clay or tin ● pitcher: am 3, 518, 19; 4, 161, 8; 6, 322, 9: IAB 1, 521, 15; MiS 390c 36; ON 19, 18; earthen pot Duv B 2, 38, 2 ◆ LS 320b; Lagarde GA 55, 143; Fraenkel 1886, 73; PS Suppl. 160; Duval index pers. 225
As regards the Ir. word, Horn, cit., compares Av. xawza- pot, vase (AirWb 531), which however seems to be attested only in the translated meaning "pederasty", and hypothesises an Av. allotrope *kawza-. The Ir. word also appears as a loanword in Turk. küzäč (Kāšγarī) jug.