ܕܽܘܠܒܳܐ [†] dwlbʾ dulbā oriental plane-tree
According to Lagarde and LS, this word is related to NP dulb plane tree (Steingass 531), but the Syr. word is attested from earlier times, and consequently would be an ancient loanword, from OP or at least MP; but it seems impossible, because an older antecedent of NP dulb is not attested. More probably Syr. dwlbʾ is a genuine Semitic form, later borrowed into NP ● Gn 30, 37; Ez 31, 8; Sir 24, 14; ER 149, 8; IS 34, 23; PsC 219, 7; JSB 2, 850, 20 ◆ LS 155a; Lagarde GA 31, 76; Id. Sem 1, 60; Meissner MVAG 1904, 3, 34 n 2, Streck ZA 18, 199; Löw 73