ܓܪܺܝܒܳܐ grybʾ griḇā (wrongly greḇā Bh gr 1, 233, 22) measure of capacity, especially for grain; then the piece of land sown with that measure
OP *grīβa- (or *grīva-, as Gershevitch apud Hallock 1969, 72 f. transcribes) "bushel", a measure of 9,7 litres (Hinz 1975, 108; cf. Id. 1973, 101); MP grīw [glyw'] a grain measure, modius, peck (CPD 37); ManParth. gryw /grīw/ a corn measure, modius, peck (Durkin-Meisterernst 2004, 165; Gignoux 1972, 51); Arm. LW griw (Hübschmann AG 131, no. 151); NP girīb a land measure; garī any standard of measure (Steingass 1086). — Off. Aram. grb (Cowley 1923, 81, 8 f.; 81, 83); Arab. ǧarīb ● Rgn δ 7, 1; 16, 18; Ez 45, 24; Th Marg 1, 195, 16; Jšdd ev 2, 222, 17; Bh ad Hos 3, 2; EN 58, 46; BB 882, 1 ◆ LS 130b; Lagarde GA 29, 71; Lagarde AS § 53; PS Suppl. 79