ܟܶܪܦܣܳܐ krpsʾ kerpsā 1. celery; 2. parsley; 3. Sium lancifolium
MP karafs [klps] celery, parsley (CPD 49; cf. Gignoux 1998–1999, 199); NP karafs a plant of which a salad is made, and the seeds of which are said to promote venery; parsley (Steingass 1023) ● celery Geop 17, 19; AS 185, 6; Gal ZDMG 39, 295, 6; EN 49, 32; Bh chr 220, 26; parsley Med 144, 19; BB 1538, 13; 1493, 1; Sium lancifolium BB 1337, 22 ◆ LS 349a; Lagarde GA 61, 156; Löw n. 167, p. 223, 225